Regular Field Service

We can provide you a variety of services at your facility, including:

  • On-site repair of electronics and optics

  • System refurbishment

  • System calibration

  • Preventive maintenance

  • Training on system operation and basic maintenance procedures

Regular Field Service Rates

We charge the following rates for regular field service visits. A "regular" field service visit is one that has been booked 21 days in advance of the requested date for the visit.


We charge €150.00 per hour (regular rate).

Travel Time:

We charge €60.00 per hour as determined by the number of hours traveling to and from your site.

Per Diem:

We charge €175.00 per day for Per Diem expenses. This covers our expenses for lodging, food, and expenses associated with automobile rental.  In high expense areas, actual per diem costs will apply and receipts will be provided upon request.


We charge you the actual amount that we are charged by the airline. This amount is estimated at the time a quotation is provided.


We charge for any parts that were used during the field service visit. The total for these costs cannot be determined until the work has been completed.